
Saturday, March 16, 2019

The Debate of Animal Testing in Laboratories Essay -- Science Experime

The Debate of fauna Testing in LaboratoriesDebating everyplace the fauna rights movement has raised questions and concerns for many years. Although animal research has been the realise of many medical breakthroughs, is it mor whollyy and ethically right to put animals in these kinds of situations? This is one of the underlying questions that must be solved before it is too late. There has already been too much violence and harm caused by the opposing views of this argument. Shouts of protests and riots are heard on the streets, labs and medical equipment are creation burned and destroyed and innocent animals are left hanging in the wake. While animal rights organizations fight for more kinder, gentler ways to treat animals, animal research advocates strongly believe that animals unlock the key to curing and ail diseases. Two sides to pro activists include both animal rights advocates and animal social welfare advocates. Animal rights means that animals are not ours to u se for food, clothing, entertainment, or experimentation. Animal welfare, on the other hand, permits these uses of animals as long as certain humanistic guidelines are enforced (Frequently). Some people believe the concern for animals is a waste of time when there are so many earthly concern in need. Pro activists, however, argue that humans and animals are equally classic and both deserve attention. This is a problem that concerns everyone in the world. We, as humans, opine on animals for many things such as food and clothing, so where and when leave this controersy end? There must be a compromise, and it is up to us to find the solution to this overwhelming problem.Animal rights activists conduct to the first position on this issue. They believe that animals sho... ...r the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground. It is therefore concluded, from this scripture and research, that animal scrutiny is permissible as long as it is in our best pastime and no additional harm is done. Abraham Lincoln summarized my point of view when he said, I am in favor of animal rights as puff up as human rights. That is the way of a whole human cosmos (Practical Issues). There will hopefully educe a day when all the controversy can be set aside and people come together for the sake of the animals. However, that is going to take much effort by both sides and cannot be solved in one day or by one alternative. It is going to take time, effort, and most of all compassion. It is our obligation as humans to unite and care for all creatures that God created. yet on that day will animals be truly safe and content.

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